Tuesday, January 28, 2020

NCAA Shares Information on Coronavirus

The NCAA's Sport Science Institute distributed the following information related to the coronavirus to its membership this morning:

The purpose of this communication is to facilitate and encourage the review of publicly available information that may impact the health and safety of student-athletes and the broader membership population.

On January 21, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention documented the first case of novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, detected in a traveler returning from Wuhan, China to the United States. This virus continues to infect humans in China, other countries internationally, and now the United States. The CDC is closely monitoring the virus and urging health providers to be aware of the signs and symptoms.

The Travel Health Branch of the CDC has published a communication addressed to U.S. College and University Student Health Centers and it provides specific guidance related to college and university settings. A copy of the communication can be found here.

CDC guidance on clinical signs and symptoms, and infection prevention and control recommendations, is available here.

The CDC will continue to provide updates as needed. For the latest information on the virus, please check the CDC coronavirus website

As with all CDC and other publicly available information that may impact the well-being of student-athletes, the NCAA Sport Science Institute encourages athletics departments to carefully review these materials with applicable institutional health care providers and other relevant campus personnel and to implement, as necessary, appropriate risk-mitigating initiatives.