Sunday, October 13, 2019

Closing Officiating Appreciation Week with ...

... even more appreciation, this the spur-of-the-moment type.

As noted in the tweet below, it's the sincerest kind.

With nearly 600 events and close to 2,000 officiating assignments occurring annually within the GNAC, we're just a traffic jam (or worse) away from having an incomplete officiating crew for any given game, meet or competition.

Thankfully, the yearly success rate is better than 99.5%. Invariably, however, there are situations that require quick thinking, adept officiating coordinators, and officials who put game above self to ensure that the show goes on.

We had just such a situation earlier this week. It could have been worse, except that there was a nearby official willing and able to serve as a backup on short notice.

For this situation and others like them, people in my position always find time to #ThankARef.